Monday, December 14, 2009

Silver Fox Alert! Anthony Bourdain

I first learned about this Silver Fox while watching his tremendous show, No Reservations.

Anthony "Tony" Bourdain -a retired chef-- travels all over the world in search of the best meal. Tony is truly charming... a perfect travel partner who'll drink a beer with you, smoke a cigarette, and show you the best places to get quality grub
pretty much anywhere in the world.

The episode of No Reservations that really 'spoke' to me was the one where Anthony travels to Russia . Being from the Soviet motherland, I was naturally impressed with Anthony's ability to throw back a shot of vodka with the fluidity of a local 'Boris'. He has an air of quiet confidence about him (even when drunk), and he struts around Red Square wearing nothing but a leather jacket and a pair of naturally distressed Levi jeans. Mmmmmmmm. If you know anything about us Russians, you’d understand how much we drool over men in Levi jeans!

Moving on…

Tony's tour guide cons him into a Sauna where his hot little tuchus gets wacked by birch trees in a traditional Russian 'Banya'. Even if you're not into S&M, this segment is undeniably hot! But Not to worry ladies- rest assured that our Chef Foxiness survived the torturous beating. Being the 'roll with the punches' type of guy, he even strips down to his tighty whities to jump into an ice hole for a refreshing below zero swim. The only thing missing in this Siberians ice bath?


This was the defining moment for me and Tony and our budding relationship. I became instantly smitten with this hot piece of (fill in the blank here), and I needed to learn more about this Fox. Immediately!

I went to the local book shop and picked up Bourdain's first book: Kitchen Confidential.

It. was. Brilliant!!!!

In the book, Tony talks about his upbringing as a rough- around –the- edges, quick- study Sous-Chef. He compares the kitchen to a pirate ship--- dirty, messy, uninhibited, full of outlaws and sex. He talks about reusable bread, the truth behind a seafood specials and how illegal immigrants make up the best kitchen help at five star restaurants all over Manhattan. He manhandles food vendors and is savvy enough to gain the respect of the best kitchen crews in town. His book is about confidence, perfection and survival-- he triumphed over the NY gourmet world as badass Chef outlaw. A very very hot badass Chef outlaw!

Here’s the bottom line girls: Tony is a rebel. A balls- to -the wall, pull-your -hair- in -bed type of silver fox. Oh, and he can whip up a nice Foie Gras for you after sex, if you fancy that sort of thing.

So picture this-

You. Tony. Together. Someone in the hills of Tuscany. Watching the sunset. Sharing freshly made salad, pasta and meat. Drinking Chianti. Running your fingers through his beautiful, silvery curls. Whispering sweet nothings to each other. Finishing the night with a bit more wine. And some good old fashioned rogering....

Cheesy? Yes. But you know you'd go there if you could...twice.

So here's to you Mr. Bourdain! I raise my glass in honor of your Silveriness! For keeping these fantasies alive! For being a hellova sexy older man! For having an edge, for cooking, for traveling, for writing... and for wearing a pair of Levi's like no other!


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